
Zara Todd: Catching up in Mainstream

Zara was born in 1985 in London. She attended a special school initially, then transferred to mainstream at the age of seven. She continued with mainstream education at secondary and then went on to university.

Here Zara describes the different levels of learning achieved in both her mainstream and special settings.

  • Zara Todd
  • Zara Todd
  • Zara Todd
  • Zara Todd


I thoroughly loved my field trips out to this mainstream school because it was the only part of my week where I was stimulated both educationally and socially to the right degree. And it’s interesting, when I transferred from special into the primary school, Maths and Science, which were the two subjects that I went out to the mainstream school for, were the subjects that I was not behind my classmates in. For English in particular I was so substantially behind my classmates when I moved into mainstream school that I actually had special lessons with a teacher from the council three or four times a week.

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