
Richard Rieser: Super Achiever

Richard was born in 1948 in London. He attended private mainstream primary schools and then went to his local mainstream secondary school and on to university.

Here Richard talks about his sense of identity as a young child.

  • Richard Rieser
  • Richard Rieser
  • Richard Rieser
  • Richard Rieser


And then, walking back from the bus stop on Kilburn High Road, and looking in British Home Stores, and they had a window that was curved like that, so it was like a mirror of metal. And I looked at it, and I thought, 'who’s that little boy holding my mum’s hand'? Because I was walking a lopsided gate, in my mind’s eye I didn’t think of myself like that, because of the over compensation that had gone on. It was just, come on, you’re going to get on with it, make the best of it, you know, Douglas Bader’s worse than you, he had lost both legs, you can do it, and all that sort of stuff. So this 'super achiever' thing, I had – my dad used to call me the Christmas tree, I had so many proficiency badges.

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