Who we are, and acknowledgements


We are a national campaigning and information-sharing network led by disabled people. We campaign for all disabled learners to have the right to access and be supported in mainstream education. ALLFIE believes that education should support the development of physical, vocational and academic abilities through mixed-ability tuition in mainstream schools so that all students have the opportunity to build relationships with one another. We believe that a fully inclusive education system will benefit everyone.
Find our main site at www.allfie.org.uk or contact us by email or phone 020 7737 6030

With Thanks

The How Was School project would not have been the success it has been without all the people involved so ALLFIE would like to say some thank yous – firstly to everyone that we interviewed and for allowing us into your life to record your experiences – thank you for your huge commitment, time and patience,  to the disabled interviewers from London who travelled the country recording people’s stories, to the schools that piloted the worksheets at probably the busier time of the school year, to the project Advisory group for your wisdom and sound advice, to the British Library for their partnership, expertise and flexible support, to the volunteers who helped us with the enormous task of managing all of the material, to the transcript readers who have ploughed through hours of recordings, to Redweather productions for your ability to turn our ideas into film,  finally to the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation for believing in the work enough to fund us.

Thanks also to Lolla Moon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cherrysoda) for the use of her photo to illustrate ‘Mistreatment’ on the themes page.