Impact on Adult Life
Angela Smith: Depression
Angela was born in 1962 in London. Her parents came to England from Guyana and settled in Walthamstow where Angela lived with her eight brothers and sisters. At age five Angela went to a local special school. Then from the age of ten she attended two residential special schools run by the Spastics Society (now SCOPE), in Lincolnshire and Kent.
Here Angela describes the impact of her relationship with her family after school.
The Careers Officer, they weren't going to help me get out of the centre, I had to do it all myself, and I and I started realising I'd got strength, but even that wasn't easy, I had a lot of depression 'cos my relationship with my family, I think 'cos I'd been away for so long, when I came home, they couldn't fit back in around me and I felt ashamed and two summers in a row I had overdosed and I ended up in hospital, and the social services, they're so dense, they couldn't work out why that, every time I was at home, I'd taken an overdose, that was a bit hard for them to work out. A bit complicated.Explore more
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