Impact on Adult Life

Jamie Renton: Wanting to Cry

Jamie was born in 1962 in London. He attended a local special school until the age of eleven when he moved to a mainstream Jewish private boarding school in Oxfordshire. From age sixteen he attended a local college, continuing on to university.

Here Jamie describes the impact of his school environment upon his adult life.


I think there is a part of me that will always be the boy aged eleven, not knowing anyone, stuck in a completely different environment, giving a disgusted look to the headmaster for saying someone can help me, going away and wanting to cry. They’ll be a part of me that always recognises that and I think that’s probably had a huge – huge impact on who I am, you know. And I think, you know, the important thing in a way is never to lose that, you know, and to be able to try and transfer that to – that experience, you know, support other people in similar – not in the same experience, but in similar, you know, experiences. And I think that’s taught me a lot.

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