Here Richard describes being humiliated by his teacher in PE lessons.
Here Simone describes life at her residential school.
Here Angela describes the treatment from the staff in her boarding school.
Here Angela describes her painful experience of meal times at college.
Here Sue describes punishment she received at her school.
Here Tara talks about abusive care staff in her school.
Here Christine describes a culture of humiliation in her lessons.
Here Ron describes one abusive teacher.
Here Michelle talks about bullying throughout her school.
Here David describes himself and other children being called names and taunted at school.
Here Etty describes her painful memories of being teased as a child.
Here Gordon describes getting his own back on a bully.
Here Clenton describes being teased because of the group he was in.
Here Simone describes a culture of bullying within her school and outside of school.
Here Michelle talks about the bullying that went on in her special school.
Here Helen describes being bullied at school.
Here Raymond describes people teasing others from other countries.
Here Philip recalls painful memories of being teased at his school.
Here Elliot recalls painful memories of being bullied at his private school.
Here Sebastian recalls how, and perhaps why, he was bullied by a disabled person at school.
Here Ann remembers being teased at school.
Here Ann talks about how school staff ignored bullying.
Here Alice describes the impact of being teased at school.
Here John recalls being bullied at school.
Here Zara talks about her experience a middle school that didn’t want disabled children.
Here Samantha describes her fear of being discriminated against.
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