Sebastian Bianco Lynn: Popped Tyres
Sebastian was born in 1986 in Bury, Lancashire. He attended his local mainstream primary and secondary schools, continuing on to college and then university.
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Sebastian Bianco Lynn
Here Sebastian recalls how, and perhaps why, he was bullied by a disabled person at school.
I was actually bullied by a disabled person when I started in high school. It was constant bullying, teasing, more often than not creating a situation to make sure that I couldn’t move around, like constantly popping my tyres. My tyres used to be popped on a daily basis. It was merely because he felt that he wasn’t bullied but he was treated so indifferently and – as if he wasn’t there, then it’s just as bad as bullying. So, the only way you can sort of get one up on someone and show that you’re strong to your peers, I suppose, is by bullying. Because I soon found out that he felt so strongly that before he left he actually wrote a piece for his English about how he felt marginalised as a disabled person.Explore more
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