Gordon Richardson: Getting Around School

Gordon was born in 1953 in the Philippines. His parents lived and worked abroad so Gordon attended several mainstream schools, mainly in Hong Kong and India. At age eight, he was sent to England with his brother to attend residential mainstream private schools, first in Yorkshire and then in Cambridge. He then went on to study at university.

Here Gordon describes getting splinters from having to crawl around school.

  • Gordon Richardson
  • Gordon Richardson


If we go back to prep school, junior school, the boarding school there, no, there were effectively no real adjustments made at all apart from they built a little wooden ramp so that I could get out of one door to get outside on the ramp, so I could get in and out of the building whenever I wanted to. But no, I mean the dormitories were upstairs and I just had to crawl upstairs and crawl along great miles of corridors. I mean there was one point, it was probably 100 yards from the top of the stairs to the dormitory and I just had to crawl, shuffle along of my backside and get splinters in your backside from the wooden floors.

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