Early Life
Belinda Shaw: A Traumatic Event
Belinda was born in Leeds in 1947. Her mother died when Belinda was just four years old and she was sent to live with another family. This traumatic event had a lasting impact on Belinda's life, and her schooling. Belinda attended mainstream primary and secondary schools.
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Belinda Shaw
Here Belinda remembers starting school.
My mother died when I was very young, four years old and it was quite a traumatic event and very shortly afterwards I had to move away from my home and live with another family. And very shortly after that, as it seemed to me, I started school. I was four and the school was what was called a nursery school, I don’t remember much about what I did there but I do remember some events, I was supposed to go home for my lunch but not knowing where my home was to go home, and eventually my – a woman I call my mother but then I didn’t call her my mother later, she used to come and find me. But then I didn’t know how to get out of the class, I seemed not to know how to operate and it caused quite a bit of consternation.Explore more
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