
Tara Flood: Grandma’s Attitude

Tara was born in 1966 in Preston, Lancashire. She was sent to a residential special school in East Sussex at just sixteen months of age and remained there until she was sixteen. She then returned to Preston and attended a local mainstream college.

Here Tara describes the shocking attitude of her grandmother.

  • Tara Flood
  • Tara Flood
  • Tara Flood


My grandma died when I was seven or eight so obviously I was never in a position to talk to her about any of this. But whenever any member of the family came round she was always very keen to kind of like show me to people as a – look what Sally’s given birth to. I mean, shocking. I mean, I say it kind of without much emotion now but if I would ever – if I ever heard anyone else describe that from their own family I’d probably be absolutely horrified. And of course I am horrified, but when you know that’s your history and there’s nothing you can do to change it, or repair it, because the attempts that I have had – I have had to try to repair it with my parents, I don’t really know what I mean about repairing but at least trying to talk about it, have just come to nothing.

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