Here Clenton talks about his struggles at school due to his Dyslexia not be recognised.
Here Michelle talks about the downside to having what she describes as ‘velcro’ support assistants in school.
Here Christine talks about her difficulties trying to lipread in school and how that impacted on how she felt about herself.
Here Ajay talks about the difficulty of having a different support worker each day.
Here Maresa talks about learning support in school.
Here Mark talks about the lack of pastoral support at his school.
Here Zara talks about her special school
Here Joanne talks about not being confident to ask for support
Here Lynda talks about having to rely on help from other children.
Here Sebastian talks about having to do exams without any adjustments or support.
Here Haq remembers the girl who sat next to him in school.
Nadia describes some of her communication support in school.
Here Miro talks about his experience of feeling well supported at primary school, by everyone in the school.
Here Donna talks about wearing a portable hearing loop in class.
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