Getting Around School

David Webb: Bounced Downstairs

David Webb was born in 1951 in Winchester. He spent his entire school life attending various boarding schools apart from three years which he spent in hospital from the age of seven and then continued his education at Worcester College for the Blind.

Here David talks about getting around school in his wheelchair.

  • David Webb
  • David Webb


I can remember being bounced down stairs by half-blind twelve-year-olds and I'm thinking 'I would not have the courage to do that today', bounced downstairs in my wheelchair, main flights of stairs and I'm thinking 'I must have been crazy'. I can remember the Science teacher, because he was obviously the last to leave the Science lab, 'cause of locking it up and everything, and if he found me struggling up the stairs he'd just lift me up and carry me, but he was the only one.

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