Audio files
Here Ron remembers the school’s preparation for air attacks.
Here Ron describes finding bombs in the park.
Here Ron describes one abusive teacher.
Here Ron talks about sex education at school.
Here Ron remembers the indignity of being marched to church.
Here Ron talks about bedtime at 7 pm for teenagers.
Here Ron describes asking for more jam.
Here Ron describes learning geography during the daily wartime news discussions.
Here Ron describes Sunday afternoon visiting for parents.
Here Ron describes traumatic visiting times in hospital as a young child.
Here Ron talks about being told of his mum’s death.
Here Etty describes her reaction to being forced to eat food she didn’t want.
Here Etty describes making friends.
Here Etty describes going on the trams with her brothers.
Here Etty talks about having to stand in front of the class.
Here Etty describes going to school in a horse drawn bus.
Here Etty remembers her mum.
Here Gordon talks about his Invacar.
Here Gordon talks about feeling part of the school.
Here Gordon describes leaving his home in India to start school in England.
Here Ann talks about the changes she’d like to happen.
Here Ann talks about having to fit in.
Here Ann talks about how school staff ignored bullying.
Here Ann describes how one teacher helped her escape from primary school.
Here Ann talks about how she coped with prejudice as a young disabled child.
Here Micheline cautions against complacency.
Here Joanne describes her younger sister’s experience of schools now.
Here Mark describes his niece being included in her mainstream school.
Here Roger talks about the changes he’s noticed in the school system.
Here Simone talks about changes she has seen and some things that have not changed.
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